
Your colour type
Alegría stands for warm yellow-orange, red or beige tones. Its element is the earth and the ether. If you surround yourself with the warm tones from the Alegría colour type you will feel more comfort and satisfaction at home.
First things first: Why is choosing the right colour tone so important?
Colours affect us physiologically and have such a positive impact on how we feel in the sanctuary of our homes. We cannot underestimate the power they can have on us. Sure, there is nothing wrong with a neutral colour palette, it can be the basis of a beautiful home. But many people are hiding their love for colour behind a fear of failure. Therefore, they are missing out on something. It’s simply about recognising the colours you love, and forgetting any fears of getting it wrong.
The positive impact of warm colour like orange, yellow and red
Start with yellow and orange, as these colours are about fun, joy, and playfulness. They encourage social interaction in a fun conversational way. Especially warm orange and light warm red tones represent physical comfort and warmth.

Your Colour Personality: Ease, optimism or creativity
Are you often admired for your inventiveness or your enthusiasm? Your personality underlines why you feel drawn to colours like yellow, orange and or an earthy red. Of course, it is important to find a tone that resonates with your personality. But in general, this colour type makes you more balanced and happier as they match your personality and lifestyle.
Your home
You like to spend your time at home with your loved ones, working on one of your many ideas or learning something new. Importantly, the right colours surrounding you can strengthen your talents like reinforcing your creativity.
Even small colour accents make a difference!
Cushions and other decorative elements can give your home the warmth you long for. You don't have to design everything in one colour to achieve the desired effect.
Ein kleiner Tipp 💡
Frieren Sie oft zu Hause?
Die Temperatur in Ihrem Zuhause wird nicht nur durch die Heizung geregelt. Umgeben von warmen, erdigen Farben wie einem beige-gelben Ton, erdigen Rottönen oder leuchtendem Orange fühlt sich der Alegría-Farbtyp wohler und „wärmer“ an.
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