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Your colour type

Calma stands for pleasant green and blue tones. Its elements are water and nature. Surrounding yourself with them will not only give you more satisfaction, you will also be able to relax or focus better at home.

First things first: Why is choosing the right colour tone so important?

Colours affect us physiologically and have such a positive impact on how we feel in the sanctuary of our homes. We cannot underestimate the power they can have on us. Sure, there is nothing wrong with a neutral colour palette, it can be the basis of a beautiful home. But many people are hiding their love for colour behind a fear of failure. Therefore, they are missing out on something. 

The impact of soft blue and fresh green

Blue is one of the most calming colours. It relaxes the mind and slows down the heart rate, metabolism, blood pressure, and hypertension. Green is the color of nature. The human psyche associates it with freshness, peace, and trust. That is why the green colour can make in the pacification of the situation and give the owner a sense of confidence and security.

Your colour personality: Serene and far-sighted

You are often characterised as patient and rational. You rarely make decisions emotionally but take your time. You are subconsciously drawn to colours like green, blue and beige tones.These colours let you calm down and discover your strengths, they make you more productive and more balanced.

Your home

You hate a lack of time and a hectic pace. You enjoy spending your time at home reading a good book and making time for in-depth conversations. Create cosiness for you in front of darker shades in green, blue and beige spectrum. Light, warm green and blue tones have an invigorating effect on you.

Even small colour accents make a difference!

You don't have to design everything in one shade to achieve the desired effect.

Ein kleiner Tipp 💡

Fühlen Sie sich schlapp?

Besonders der Farbtyp Calma wird durch warme Farben in seinem Farbspektrum belebt. So kann es Ihnen helfen, Ihr Zuhause nicht nur mit kühlen Blau- und Grüntönen, sondern auch mit warmen Blau- und satten Grüntönen zu dekorieren. Helle Orange- und Gelbtöne können Sie auch glücklicher machen, denn ein gut eingesetzter komplementärer Kontrast kann Ihrem Zuhause Abwechslung verleihen und Sie produktiver machen.

Bereit für mexikanisches Boho Lux zu Hause?

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