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About us


"VIVA" -> Spanish for "cheer"
"BOON" -> Maya for "colour"

We stand up for a lifestyle that gives the often monotonous everyday life more joy, colour and meaning.

Who are we:

We are Verena and Herbert, live on 65 square meters in Berlin Mitte and we are the founders of VIVA BOON.
Until 2020 our everyday life was monotonous. The pandemic, with home office and quarantine, made visible what could simply be overlooked before: our living style was colourless and filled with soulless, mass-produced stuff around us. At first it was just a feeling, but over time it became clear to both of us: the weather in Berlin was often grey enough, we shouldn't furnish our innermost space the same!

Hola México!

Mexico, a beautiful country with a joyful and colourful spirit, is Herbert's native land. He was born in Guadalajara and lived in Mexico City until he was 25 years old. Only then he emigrated to Europe for professional reasons and has since missed the spirit of his homeland. Verena, too, fell in love with the country at the age of 19 when she lived in Oaxaca for 3 months after graduating from high school. After that, she was drawn back there annually.

During the pandemic, trips to Mexico and a “Viva la vida” lifestyle were not possible for us anymore. Our desire to surround ourselves with what did not exist in Germany grew stronger. From our 4 walls in Berlin we started digging deeper in the origins of Mexican culture. We read about the Mayan and Aztec culture and about how this cultured survived and was reshaped during the colonial times. It was at that moment that we thought about interpreting this rich historical heritage and reinterpret the roots of Mexican culture in a vivid, modern and tangible way for the present.

Viva la vida!

We then started developing textile designs and realised that it was very fulfilling. Our goal was now clear, we wanted to revolutionise everyday living in Europe and finally give it more colour and meaning. VIVA BOON was born and Herbert's parents, who live in Mexico City, were immediately on board. We started looking for Mexican, local textile manufacturers who could produce high-quality and exclusively woven, non-printed (!) textiles and we found what we were looking for.

Now an exciting journey begins.

VIVA BOON textiles transforms everyone's home to now which is more colourful and meaningful. You just have to get involved.
At home they embody the feeling of adventure and provide space and comfort to simply relax and enjoy life.

A colourful, meaningful everyday life, "Viva Boon" instead of "Beige in Beige", does that sound good?